Microsoft Cortana arrives to Xbox One; how to access it

Microsoft Official

Microsoft's personal assistant, Cortana, has already been reported to arrive to Xbox One in 2016, but it seems that the assistant may just be somewhere in the device if one knows how to find it.

Cortana is supposed to appear in the console update preview in November to make sure that users will have a great experience with the assistant around before it is officially launched in 2016.

However, it was revealed in The Verge that players can access Cortana way ahead of schedule and it can be found by simply playing around with buttons.

According to the report, Cortana will appear in the preview by accessing the settings menu; from there the player should go up and hit the A button several times.

This will then activate Cortana and get it to the side portion of the running game. The virtual personal assistant then positions itself at the top and is ready to receive voice commands by initiating the phrase, "Hey, Cortana."

Microsoft's personal assistant does not have much to offer yet, but a player can access information readily available in Cortana, like the calendar, the report stated.

Some users who are under the Xbox One preview program have already tested out Cortana on the console.

The assistant can do very well when it comes to picking up verbal commands, but it only offers limited information.

Users will only get to work with the basic functions as of the moment, but once Cortana is officially out, it will allow players to access more functions, such as inviting friends to parties.

Nevertheless, getting early access to the assistant is a great way for players to test it out and get the feel of working with the AI before it officially becomes part of the console.

Cortana is expected to be available in various Windows-operated devices. It was also reported that the service will soon be available to iOS and Android platforms.