Microsoft Lumia 520: bricking problem reported with Windows Technical Preview


Many owners of the Lumia 520 devices are said to be encountering bricking problems, particularly when they try to apply the Microsoft Technical Preview on their phones.

The problem goes as far as affecting Lumia 521 and Lumia 525 handsets as well, leading many to question on whether the said build (10051) is indeed capable of supporting Windows 10.

Microsoft has thankfully responded to the issue at hand and has provided an explanation on why this has been occurring. Apparently, the affected devices in question were rejecting recovery images flashed onto the handsets.

According to Microsoft, the blocks of data were too large for devices to handle. The large chunks of data were coming in too quickly and have thus resulted in corrupt software which apparently lead to the device bricking problem.

Microsoft further claims that there is only a small chunk of Lumia 520-series devices which are affected by the build issue. And while Microsoft is trying to resolve the matter by trying to lower the size of the data blocks and slowing down the data writing speed, it remains to be seen if the bricking issue encountered by Lumia 520 series owners have been somehow resolved.

For the ones who haven't applied it yet, it would be best to see if you can get your hands on the latest Windows Phone Recovery Tool.

A new version has reportedly been released, smaller and with slower data writing. To make sure you are getting the revised Windows Recovery Tool, be sure that its version is 1.2.4.

For the ones who have unfortunately ended up with bricked Lumia 520 devices, it would be advisable to use the latest Windows Recovery Tool and attempt to recover again. Affected users are likewise encouraged to update and inform Microsoft if the latest version was able to remedy the initial bricking problem.