Microsoft Office full version for Android OS available

Microsoft blog

Good news for those who are waiting for a full release of the Office Suite for Android – Microsoft has now launched its Office app out if the beta stage and has made it available as a full version on the Android platform. 

The release follows Microsoft's launch of the Office Suite for Android-based tablets back in January, and the subsequent release of productivity apps for Apple users. Mostly identical to its iOS counterpart, the full apps on Android let users make quick edits and drafts using their smartphones. 

The full release is the culmination of Microsoft's preview build, released to users who gave feedbacks which the company then integrated into its full version apps.

Writing about the announcement on Microsoft's official blog, Kirk Koenigsbauer, corporate vice president for the Office Client Applications and Services of Microsoft, said, "We are so grateful to our preview users, and with their help we were able to test the apps on over 1,900 different Android phone models in 83 countries. 

"During the preview, we heard from thousands of these users, and over the last few weeks we were able to incorporate a lot of their feedback into the apps we're launching today." 

Some of the features Microsoft made available for its Android-based Office apps include easy connectivity options to third-party apps like Dropbox and Google Drive. The Office Suite also features enhanced user interface to make it more manageable and user-friendly in its mobile form. 

Microsoft also said that aside from releasing the full version to the Android market, the mobile Office Suite will be pre-loaded to upcoming Android devices. The Redmond-based tech giant has already entered into talks with its partners, notable smartphone manufacturers like Sony, Samsung, and LG to provide the full Microsoft Office Suite to their devices that would be released later this year.