Microsoft to release cheap laptops with $149 price running Windows 10 OS

Microsoft website

For just $149, one may possibly get a PC for himself.

This is with reference to the reported plan of Microsoft to unravel two low-cost laptops in what many believe is a move to compete with the Google Chromebook and build up the hype for the coming of its latest operating system, the Windows 10.

For the record, the cheapest Chromebook one could probably get in the market would be the Acer C720 Chromeook where prices start at $199. The Chromebook Pixel 2015 is priced starting at a whopping $999.

Microsoft's laptop offerings are priced at $149 and $179, each depending presumably on specs. With a big price disparity, there is no doubt that price sensitive consumers are going to want to get one for such an affordable price.

And it is through these pricing strategies where Microsoft is expected to gain some edge. Especially with the low cost PC market segment growing by the day, consumers who want a cost-efficient and fairly priced laptop will surely be something that they will seriously consider.

Various companies like Acer, Dell, Lenovo and Toshiba have started offering their own variants of Chromebooks, each with different specs which dictate their pricing. The only setback could be the fact that most of them rely heavily on the cloud and the Internet since most of the things folks can do on the Chromebooks will be handled by apps.

So depending on how often a person would have Internet access could become a vital issue, not to mention their productiveness while on the go. Regardless, there are other ways to work around having web access and being a fad, and such is expected to be overridden somehow.

For Microsoft, the Windows 10 is another product that stands to benefit from these low cost laptops. The variants are expected to come out with them and hopefully Microsoft can somehow entice other companies to use their OS in the future.

Hence, from the looks of it, Microsoft is trying to hit two birds with one stone. Will they succeed? Well, if the price is right (which seemingly is a pretty tempting one).