Microsoft Spartan web browser images leaked online

[Photo credit: Microsoft]

Microsoft seems to be very transparent when it comes to the latest information about its brand-new web browser, as several screenshot images of its design have been leaked online. A screenshot of the alleged Microsoft Spartan web browser came out yesterday on BGR, and it shows that the design is a lot different from the Redmond-based software giant's first web browser, Internet Explorer. 

Reports about the development of a new web browser for Microsoft's upcoming Windows 10 OS have been going around even before 2014 ended. But now, with the leaked images of the so-called "Spartan,"it can be assumed that the company's plans of replacing Internet Explorer is actually taking shape. 

According to rumors, the Spartan is a "lightweight" web browser that is based on the company's Trident rendering engine instead of the usual WebKit. It is supported by their Chakra JavaScript Engine. There are also talks saying that the User Interface of the new Spartan web browser somehow looks similar to Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, which is a far cry from the company's own IE. Based on the images, Spartan features a chic, more up-to-date look with a minimalistic feel.

The leaked images of the reported Spartan web browser for Windows 10 came out on two consecutive days, but Winbeta claimed that the first set is inaccurate. The second one, however, is claimed to be showing the real user interface of the upcoming browser, which was reportedly verified by the Redmond company. 

Still, no one from Microsoft has officially confirmed the validity of any of the images, and they are still mum about the subject. 

The company, on the other hand, will hold a special press conference on Jan. 21 to discuss some pertinent information about the upcoming Windows 10 release, and gadget analysts are expecting that Microsoft will give light about its rumored Spartan web browser.