Microsoft Surface Phone release date could be late 2016 or early 2017

Twitter courtesy of Microsoft Surface

The Microsoft Surface Phone may not be released until later this year.

Microsoft's Surface Phone has been the subject of speculation for a while now, despite the company itself declining to talk about it on numerous occasions.

Still, the lack of official confirmation regarding the new phone has not done much to discourage analysts from predicting its impending arrival.

Numerous analysts currently predict that the Surface Phone will be arriving either sometime later this year, or perhaps early on in 2017.

The argument for the new phone being released sooner rather than later is mainly focused around the idea that it could cater to a niche market, specifically those in the world of business.

If there is indeed a market already in place, then it would make sense for Microsoft to do what it can to meet that need sooner rather than later.

Still, Microsoft is not tipping its hand, or at least not completely.

In speaking to Computerworld, a Microsoft spokesperson indicated that the company has nothing to say about the rumors suggesting that the Surface Phone will be coming out soon.

Interestingly, the Microsoft spokesperson also revealed that the company would be present at this year's Mobile World Congress (MWC) to talk about some of their new products, though that list presumably does not include the Surface Phone.

Microsoft may also be holding off on saying anything official because they simply may not have a properly ironed out timeline ready for the Surface Phone at the moment.

Android Origin also pointed out the possibility that the reason for why the new phone remains unofficial may be because now is simply not the right time for it.

A launch during the Mobile World Congress in particular would most likely be disadvantageous for the company since Samsung and LG are already expected to utilize the Barcelona, Spain event to formally announce their new offerings.

Microsoft has to time things exactly right to ensure the potential of the Surface Phone is realized, and that may end up being the only reason the device remains unofficial up until now.