Microsoft Surface Pro 4 updates: Device to be fanless, sleek and more powerful with Intel Skylake

It will be a very stiff competition in the field of hybrids and giant machines, with Apple reportedly releasing the juggernaut of a tablet called iPad Pro and Samsung allegedly working on an 18.4-inch slate. The pressure is on Microsoft to keep the Surface Pro line ahead of its competitors. 

To pull this off, The Motley Fool says that the Surface Pro 4, the next-generation 2-in-1 device from the Redmond-based tech firm, should make use of the highly-advanced Intel Skylake processor. But contrary to speculations, the publication says a Core M unit will be a better fit than the Core I processors. It conducted a test between the processors and led to a conclusion that the former consumes lower power but still delivers a speedy performance.

It noted, however, that whichever Microsoft will be using on the Surface Pro 4, it will nevertheless be able to play around some amazing upgrades and features. First, the processor guarantees low power consumption, which should equate for ultra-nippy performance. This also eliminates the need for a fan inside the device. Not only will this make it more powerful, it will also allow Microsoft to make the device thinner and lighter. The Skylake processor will make the device look good both on the inside and the outside. 

This will also cease the complaints about its predecessor, which allegedly tends to overheat when it is used for heavy-duty work. Combining the processor with higher RAM configurations that is said go up to 16 GB, Microsoft's Surface Pro 4 will give Apple's iPad Pro and Samsung's 18-inch tablet a run for their money. 

The rest of the specs includes a sleek magnesium build, a USB Type-C port and, according to some reports, two sizes – one measuring 12 inches and the other, 13 to 14 inches. It should also be the first in the Surface Pro line to have Windows 10 on board. 

Microsoft is expected to unveil the Surface Pro 4 in October, along with their new Lumia flagships and the Band 2.