Microsoft Windows 10 S is finally available

Microsoft office in New YorkReuters/Mike Segar

The latest version of Windows 10, called Windows 10 S, was released on May 2. This version is catered to students and teachers, which is why schools that are using Windows 10 Pro will be available to upgrade to the latest version for free.

The biggest change in the Windows 10 S, which may also cause consumers to stop from updating their operating system (OS), is that users will only be able to use apps that are found in Window Store. Although developers are able to transfer their apps into the Windows Store, most have not done it.

Popular consumer apps that will be available in the Windows Store will be Microsoft Office and Spotify. Consumers will look for apps that they regularly use like, Chrome and Photoshop, so without these, consumers may walk away from using the OS and switch to another.

Another change that they have done is having the default browser as set to Microsoft's Edge browser. This is also unchangeable, so users of Windows 10 S will not be able to just change their browser to Chrome. This also means that users would not be able to use Google as their default search engine, as Microsoft has set its default to its own Bing search engine.

These changes Microsoft has done will benefit users of the new OS with a better performance and more security since all apps will have to be verified with Microsoft first.

Microsoft will be releasing a new Surface Laptop that will be released in June will come with Windows 10 S. Potential buyers shall be aware that this is catered more for educational purposes. Users who will use their personal computer for more than education might potentially have to look into other models to get their money's worth.

Consumers who want to purchase Windows 10 S that does not have Windows 10 Pro will be available to upgrade for $49.