Microsoft Windows 10 release date news: Free preview for Xiaomi Mi4 users on the way

Xiaomi Mi 4iphoto from

Microsoft has not yet released the official version of the Windows 10 but select Xiaomi Mi4 owners can start checking it out on their device as a free downloadable software update. This came about thanks to a partnership between Microsoft and Xiaomi which should be interesting for ROM and power users who have the Xiaomi Mi4.

Take note however that the OS is not the full version. Being a preview version, the Windows 10 ROM will provide a glimpse of things to come on what the Windows 10 will have to offer. There is no official word yet on when it will be actually released in the market. Be guided however that the Windows 10 ROM will be in Chinese so some translation would be needed for Xiaomi Mi4 owners who decide to try it out.

According to a report by TechCrunch, Xiaomi stressed that offering the Windows 10 ROM is more of assistance rather than a partnership. The OS overrides the standard Android-powered device into a Windows 10 device complete with Microsoft services.

For the less techie owners, applying and trying out the Windows 10 stands to mislead them into believing that the ROM is actually a full version. Though it supposedly lacks the touch services, a glance stands to prove otherwise.

Apparently its implementation will spur up some interest on what the full version has to offer which could start only by the Summer, the supposed date when the Windows 10 would be officially released.

But for those who cannot wait, a hands-on video over at the Youku website could give you more details on what to expect with the full version of the Windows 10.

In the video showing the full version of Windows 10, active tiles and a whole lot of features are in store for the ones who are considering the said OS.