Middle East Quartet failing, say aid agencies

CAFOD, Christian Aid and World Vision Jerusalem are among the aid agencies warning that the Middle East Quartet - formed of the EU, Russia, the UN and the US - has failed to make progress in improving the lives of Palestinians and the prospects for lasting peace.

In a report published on Thursday, the coalition of 21 aid agencies and human rights organisations warn of little improvement and in some places deterioration in five of the Quartet's 10 key objective areas since last November's Annapolis Conference. The conference, organised and hosted by the US, was heralded as a milestone in the Middle East peace process after leaders agreed a two-state solution as a basis for addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Thursday's report noted some progress in supporting Palestinian security sector reform, securing donor pledges, increasing fuel for Gaza and stimulating private sector activity.

It went on, however, to accuse the Quartet of failing to hold Israeli authorities to account for the continued expansion of illegal settlements.

The aid agencies said the Quartet had had a "negligible impact" on its goal of improving the free movement of Palestinians within their own territory, where checkpoints, a separation wall and road restrictions continue to hinder access to employment, basic services, and the import and export of goods.

The Quartet has also failed to lift the Gaza blockade or make significant improvements to the humanitarian situation in the region, where 80 per cent of the population are still dependent on aid and numerous relief projects have been put on hold, the authors note.

The aid agencies warn that the Quartet's failures seriously threaten peace in the region.

David Mepham, Director of Policy at coalition member Save the Children, said: "The Quartet has fundamentally failed to improve the humanitarian situation on the ground. Unless the Quartet's words are matched by more sustained pressure and decisive action, the situation will deteriorate still further.

"Time is fast running out. The Quartet needs to radically revise its existing approach and show the people of the region that it can help make a difference."

The aid agencies are calling on Israel to halt all settlement activities and dismantle outposts, and take urgent steps to improve access and movement for Palestinians. They are also calling for humanitarian and commercial channels to be re-opened in Gaza and for Palestine to step up efforts to improve security and fight terrorism.

The report was published to coincide with the Quartet's meeting in New York on Friday, which the aid agencies want to see lead to renewed commitment to the peace process and greater support for efforts to pass a UN resolution on the impact of settlement expansion on Palestinians and the peace process.

Daleep Mukarji, Director of Christian Aid, said: "The Annapolis process was meant to herald a new dawn for the Middle East peace process. Nearly one year on, we are seeing exponential settlement growth, additional check-points and - because of this - further economic stagnation. The Quartet is losing its grip on the Middle East Peace Process."

The aid agencies also want to see leaders agree the removal of restrictions on Palestinians, lift the Gaza blockade, and renew efforts to support reconciliation between Hamas and Israel.

Martha Myers, Country Director for CARE International West Bank and Gaza, said: "We are facing a vacuum in leadership. The Quartet has been unable to hold parties to their obligations and this must change fast. The Quartet's credibility is on the line and we hope it will use this meeting to show it is able to go beyond rhetoric and make a real difference to the lives of Palestinians and Israelis."