Mike Huckabee slams Frito-Lay for tie-up with anti-Christian activist, pro-gay promo


Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee thinks it's outrageous that Frito-Lay company—the maker of such snacks as Cheetos, Ruffles and Lays—has come up with "Doritos Rainbows" in support of homosexuality and same-sex marriage and forged a partnership with an avowedly anti-Christian gay activist.

He is so enraged by their promotion that he wrote an e-mail to company officials, lamenting how a "responsible corporation" such as theirs can partner with someone like gay activist and author Dan Savage, according to WND news website.

"I hope that you will do some honest vetting about Dan Savage and his very hateful and vulgar comments toward Christians and his calls for violence and injury to people he disagrees with," he wrote. "It is beyond me to understand how a responsible corporation would think that partnering with someone who spews the vicious vitriol that Savage does would be worthy of your corporate contributions."

Savage is the founder of the "It Gets Better Organization," a group dedicated to prevent homosexual teen suicide. The outspoken activist has been known to take a jab against Christians and conservative Republicans over the years. At one point, he even said on HBO that he "wished all Republicans were (expletive) dead."

Huckabee said if Frito-Lay, which is owned by PepsiCo., would still pursue a partnership with Savage, then Christians should stop promoting their products.

"If (this promotion) does represent the corporate values of Frito-Lay, then the Christian community needs to be made aware that Frito-Lay has decided to not seek their business," he further said in his letter.

Huckabee isn't the only one who has qualms about the company's tie-up with Savage. The Christian group One Million Moms is also upset because Frito-Lay is not only promoting homosexuality among teens but is also "backing the agenda of one of the most anti-Christian bullies in America."

"Frito-Lay knows very well that by doing so, it is condoning open hatred and animosity towards people of faith, especially Christians. By making 'Dorito Rainbows,' the company is showing its true colours," they said.