Millersville University players save child: baseball team hailed as heroes [PHOTO]

Millersville baseball players pose with Braydin Norman.(Photo: Photo courtesy of Millersville Athletics)

Millersville university baseball players have saved a child this week in Pennsylvania, helping a family whose 22-month-old baby was choking and having a seizure.

The baseball team had just arrived in Johnstown, Pa., for the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference Tournament on May 7, when a few of the players went out to get some food.

However, as the players were walking away from their hotel a speeding car pulled over and a mother and father jumped out screaming for help with their infant

Third baseman Tyler McDonald, 21, told ABC News: "They were yelling, 'Our baby is choking. He's having a seizure'."

The mother was giving 22-month-old Braydin Norman chest compressions. However, McDonald, remembering a health class he had taken, told her to stop.

McDonald said, "I told her we needed to do the stuff leading up to it. I took the father's jacket and propped it under Braydin's head and told the mom to put her finger in his mouth to move his tongue to clear the airways."

McDonald's teammates also helped, with first baseman, Zach Stone, checking the baby's pulse, and catcher, Dave Pine, calling 911 to get emergency medical workers to the scene.

McDonald managed to clear the child's airway, and about 30 seconds later the boy came around.

"He was able to squeeze Zach's hand and was responsive. We shone a light in his eye to keep him awake and kept talking to him until the ambulance came," said McDonald.

Paramedics were soon on the scene and checked the young child over before transporting Braydin to a nearby hospital for further checks.

Two days later on May 9, as the players were warming up for a game against Slippery Rock University, they saw the parents, Shane and Megan Morgan, along with Braydin in the crowd.

McDonald has told ABC News, "It was pretty sweet to see him out with a smile on his face and just loving life. I can't find words for it."