Millions Needed to Save Shakespeare's Church

The crumbling church in Stratford where William Shakespeare worshipped and was buried is in urgent need of millions of pounds to restore it to its former glory.

The Holy Trinity Church is the oldest church in the town, dating back to the 13th century and is the church where Shakespeare was baptised, where he worshipped with his family and where he lies buried in the chancel.

A major tourist attraction, the church welcomes thousands of visitors through its doors each year.

But the popularity of Holy Trinity has taken its toll as it now faces a list of repairs totalling £1m.

The Friends of Shakespeare's Church have rushed together a fundraising campaign to raise the money, which will go towards repairing the tower and spire, the chancel roof, windows and stonework.

A spokesman said the restoration work was carried out in stages but funding to make repairs to the whole church is thought to be around £1 million, reports icCoventry.

"The New Year brings with it a focus on the fund to help solve the immediate crisis of the tower and spire.

"We call it the Save Our Spire fund - £200,000 is urgently needed."