Minecraft Xbox One Edition finally submitted to Microsoft for certification

The Minecraft Xbox One Edition due to be out soon.Twitter

After submitting Minecraft PS4 Edition to Sony late in August for its final certification, the fans of Microsoft gaming consoles can also expect to access the Xbox One Edition of Minecraft very soon.

Minecraft developer 4J Studios announced on Friday via Twitter that they have already submitted the Minecraft Xbox Edition for certification.

The Twitter post stated, "We've handed Minecraft: Xbox One Edition over to Microsoft for final test! #MinecraftXbox1."

Each game that will be released on Xbox One needs to have an approval from Microsoft. The time needed for each tests varies, depending on the game, but testing normally takes at least two weeks.

This may mean that the Minecraft Xbox One Edition could come out sometime in mid-September.

However, the mid-September release date will only be possible if Microsoft does not discover any bugs in the game. If there are any, 4J Studios developers have no other choice but to revise the entire game and to resubmit it for testing again.

That happened to the Minecraft PS4 Edition recently. The first version was submitted earlier, but Sony found several bugs in the game. 4J has fixed them and is awaiting the final verdict due to be released anytime from now.

Just like its PS4 equivalent, Minecraft Xbox One lets players compose bigger worlds compared to the ones allowed on the earlier consoles. The new gens also allow greater draw distances for the game.

Once the new gen versions are launched, the developers are planning to increase the multiplayer cap for the new platforms.

As of now, Minecraft developers are keeping their hands busy with just the PS4, Xbox One, and PS Vita versions of the game. After all three editions are released, 4J Studios will shift their focus on releasing fixes for bugs as well as developing new content also intended for the said consoles. This is not good news for other console users like Wii U.