Minnesota Vikings NFL 2015 news: Brett Favre impressed with Terry Bridgewater


Retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre had the chance to speak with Minnesota Vikings quarterback Terry Bridgewater after paying his former team a visit last week and the 19-year NFL veteran is impressed with the second-year player according to a report by the Minnesota Star Tribune.

"I think [Bridgewater] had a really good year, for a rookie, I thought he had a really good year," Favre said according to the report.

"I had a chance to meet him here at Winter Park a couple of days ago. I was very impressed with him. I'm impressed with his skills and the way he handled himself his first year. So I look forward to bigger and better things from him," the 45-year-old added.

Favre also said Bridgewater will have to gain the trust of his teammates following his rookie season.

"I think you have to win the support of your guys, and I'm not saying he hasn't done that, in the face of adversity, which he'll have that," Favre said according to the Star Tribune.

The future Hall of Famer also said, "I think he has done a good job of that. He has to show that he is the leader and he can make those plays when needed."

Favre also believes that the future is bright for the Vikings with the team's current roster, according to the Star Tribune. 

"Of all the faces that were there when I played, I think like all but four are gone. That may be a good thing, who knows? I do think getting Adrian [Peterson] back will be a huge asset. I do believe that. And I do think that they have a good group of core young players," Favre said.

"The question is, do they develop and get that chemistry in the short amount of time that is needed? And do they remain relatively healthy, which is always tough. But I do think they do have a good future," he added.