Miracle baby whose mother refused to abort ends up saving her life

When Evelyn Bowens became pregnant 30 years ago, doctors told her that she had a serious condition that might lead to complications in her pregnancy, but she shot down the suggestion to abort her baby. Three decades later, that baby has grown up to be the person who saved her life.

Bowens gave birth to Miles Lowe prematurely and he required more time in an incubator in order to survive. He also had to undergo an operation before he was even a month old and his mother called him her miracle baby.

A mom's kidney donor was the son she almost aborted 30 years ago.Pixabay/Engin_Akyurt

The miracle baby, however, became her miracle worker as an adult, according to the New York Post, when Lowe gave a kidney to his mother during a recent health crisis.

"The miracle of this whole thing is, I had a high-risk pregnancy, and they told me to get rid of Miles," Bowens said. "If I had gotten rid of my son as a baby, I wouldn't have this kidney."

Bowens told WCBS-TV that she initially had apprehensions about undergoing a kidney operation because of the risks. The doctors, however, made her aware of what would happen if she did not receive a new kidney soon and going through a dialysis regularly was not an option.

Waiting for a new kidney, however, could take years because Bowens had a rare blood type, B-positive. At 65, Bowens felt she was short on time until they learned that her son could be a donor via a process called plasmapheresis.

The family decided to undergo the procedure last June at the NYU Langone Transplant Institute. The medical choice turned out to be a good one this time because the mother and son got to celebrate Mother's Day recently and are looking forward to celebrating more family events together.

"It's a true blessing to be sitting next to her knowing she's good and she could be with all her grand kids and be in good health," Lowe said of his mother's recovery.