Miss California inspires traditional marriage ad campaign

|PIC1|Miss California Carrie Prejean is serving as the inspiration for the second in a series of television ads launched by the National Organization for Marriage.

The new ad, “No Offense”, which NOM launched Thursday as part of its ongoing religious liberty ad campaign, opens with footage of the highly publicised response given by Prejean during last week’s Miss USA competition.

It also features the “dumb b*****” response of gay celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton, whose hateful tirade was deemed inappropriate by 98 per cent of traditional marriage supporters and even 81 per cent of gay marriage supporters, according to HCD Research.

“Carrie only said what the majority of Americans believe: marriage means a man and a woman,” commented NOM president Maggie Gallagher in the announcement of the ad’s launch.

“Many backers of same-sex marriage ... want to browbeat and silence opposition,” added Brian Brown, executive director of NOM. “But no matter how loudly they yell, their attacks on supporters of marriage will fail because people of integrity will speak the truth – whether they are in pulpits, law schools or even beauty pageants.”

Since giving her answer last Sunday, Prejean has made appearances on numerous media outlets – secular and Christian – including CNN and NBC.

She has also made special onstage appearances at her church, The Rock Church in San Diego, and Liberty University, the school founded by the late Jerry Falwell.

On Thursday, Prejean was present for the unveiling of the new NOM ad at a news conference in Washington, where she spoke briefly about the importance of children having both a mother and a father. Prejean also stopped by Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, where she spoke to some 10,000 students.

Though some have called her “the next Sarah Palin”, Prejean is currently a student at San Diego Christian College, where she is studying to be an elementary-level teacher. She has, however, suggested that a future political career might be possible.