Mission Aviation Fellowship pulls out of Chad amid growing conflict

Mission Aviation Fellowship's team in Chad has evacuated to Garoua, Cameroon, as rebels advance on the country's capital N'Djaména.

On Thursday, Mike Riley, MAF's Country Director, wrote, "This morning, we received advice from the US embassy to restrict all travel within N'Djaména to a minimum, and all of the schools are closed."

On Friday, Chad's army fought to hold off advancing rebels from the capital. The renewed combat has delayed the arrival of European peacekeepers due in the coming weeks to protect hundreds of thousands of refugees from violence spilling over from Sudan's Darfur region.

Chadian rebels have previously threatened to attack the European force if it interferes in their campaign against Chad's President, Deby, although European commanders have pledged not to take sides.

MAF's team spent last night at the hangar, prepared for evacuation if it was needed.

Writing on Friday, Riley reported, "Battle has recommenced not far away. We've been advised to evacuate, so we are just about to leave and head to Garoua in Cameroon."

Security has been stepped up in N'Djaména, especially around the presidential palace.

In 2006, N'Djaména was the scene of heavy fighting as rebels attempted to overthrow President Deby and take the capital.