Mission group says 10 per cent of Indians now Christian

Over 800 pastoral leaders gathered this week for two Frontline Shepherd conferences in India to tackle the subject of evangelism in a predominantly non-Christian country and the problems posed by anti-conversion laws.

David Shibley of Global Advance said that the conference encouraged people to be both bold in their faith, but also to show cultural sensitivity.

He said, "We are not suggesting that we be bombastic or culturally insensitive in the proclamation or the Gospel.

"At the same time, we are not to close our mouths, and we are not to back up in the proclamation of the Gospel.

"So yes, this does present a dilemma and a spiritual challenge for pastors in those places where there are anti-conversion laws," reports Mission News Network.

According to Mission New Network the number of Christians in India has massively increased in the last 20 years, going from just three per cent of the population to 10-11 per cent.

In total 829 pastors attended, with over 60 per cent being under the age of 30.