Mission to Seafarers seeks to reach those most in need

|PIC1|The Rev Tom Heffer took over as Secretary General of The Mission to Seafarers from the Rev Canon Bill Christianson on Wednesday and began by unveiling a new programme of work to the society aimed at enabling the organisation to deliver services to seafarers where the need is greatest.

Delivering Maritime Ministry Beyond the Next Horizon sets out the task of the Mission as it strives to serve seafarers of all faiths and nationalities in 230 ports around the world.

The plan includes developing new models of ministry where there currently is none and transforming some operations to ensure they remain relevant to serving seafarers.

“As the shipping industry continues to weather the present economic downturn, the needs of seafarers remain at the forefront of our concern,” said the Rev Heffer.

“My focus as Secretary General is to ensure that the services The Mission to Seafarers provides are carried out in the most effective and meaningful way in order to give the seafarers and their families the best support possible.”

The Rev Heffer says that like many organisations working with limited resources, new partnerships will need to be found, as well as strengthening existing ones to ensure that the ministry of the Mission is sustainable.

“Inevitably that will mean a necessary strategic change in some of our current operating practices and will see the Mission open new port chaplaincies and centres in areas identified by our recently completed global review,” he said.

“The world’s economy relies heavily on the movement of trade by sea, yet the men and women on these vessels often go unnoticed.

"As Secretary General, I will work hard to ensure that The Mission to Seafarers remains true to its aims and vocation of caring for all those who call upon its services in their hour of need."