'Mobius Final Fantasy' release date, news: Square Enix drops new English trailer

Mobius Final FantasySquare-Enix

Square Enix has released the first English trailer for "Mobius Final Fantasy," a full-fledged RPG for iOS and Android devices. The trailer focuses on showcasing the game's visuals, some story elements, combat and introducing some of the major players in the game.

Some of the characters shown in the trailer appear to be based on characters from the main "Final Fantasy" games such as Sarah from "Final Fantasy XIII" and Garland from "Final Fantasy I." Mog, a recurring character in many games in the series, also makes an appearance. A new character, a fairy named Echo, is introduced in the trailer.

As stated in a report from IGN, the main story involves a young man who wakes up in the world of Palamecia, suffering from amnesia. He then learns that it is his task to bring hope to Palamecia by unraveling the mysteries of the prophecy surrounding the Warrior of Light.

The world of Palamecia is also based on the same setting from "Final Fantasy II" while the Warrior of Light is a recurring theme in many of the classic "Final Fantasy" games released for the NES and SNES.

Players are encouraged to preregister on the official registration website. Those who do before the game is officially released will gain special items such as the Brotherhood sword wielded by Tidus in "Final Fantasy X" and a Yuna character card. Crystals, summon tickets and others will also be rewarded to players.

Also shown in the trailer is the game's combat system and the job system. Players can switch between numerous jobs such as the Warrior, Ranger, Black Mage and White mage jobs in order to execute different abilities. Combat is executed by tapping the screen and there will be a Stagger mechanic akin to that seen in "Final Fantasy XIII."

"Mobius Final Fantasy" will launch in the U.S. for both iOS and Android this Aug. 3.