Moderator opens Glasgow counselling centre

|PIC1|The Moderator of the Church of Scotland has opened a new Glasgow counselling centre offering training courses such as gambling addiction therapy and bereavement care.

The Rt Rev Bill Hewitt unveiled a special plaque at the official opening of the Institute of Counselling as it successfully completed its move to new premises in St Enoch Square earlier this week.

The centre boasts a range of subjects, including stress management, youth counselling, spiritual care and cognitive behavioural therapy.

Professionals, including nurses, social workers, clergy and community leaders, use the facility to develop their skills and improve their ability to help those most in need. Some of the classes are accredited by Glasgow Caledonian University and the University of the West of Scotland.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr Hewitt, who is a member the Institute’s Board of Studies, said: “It has been wonderful to witness … there is a thorough professionalism throughout all courses.

“Academic excellence and spiritual insight combine wonderfully for all students, who return to their communities more confident and better qualified for their waiting worlds.”

The Institute moves from its original Glasgow base in Hope Street after 24 years. It trained over 25,000 students during this period.