More Anglican Dioceses Reject New Presiding Bishop’s Authority

|TOP|The list of dioceses rejecting the authority of the Episcopal Church USA’s newly elected bishop, because she supports same-sex partnerships, has increased further this week, after the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas stated its objection of Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.

Bishop James M. Stanton, who is the head of Dallas' Anglican diocese, representing 40,000 members, wrote a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams for a “direct pastoral relationship” from overseas instead of being under the American church and its new leader.

At the Episcopal General Convention last month, Nevada Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was chosen as the ECUSA's presiding bishop-elect. She openly supports the ordination of gays and the blessing of same-sex relationships. She is scheduled to be installed on 4th November.

Already, previous to Dallas’ decision, other dioceses in Fort Worth, Pittsburgh, Illinois, Florida, South Carolina and California have taken similar actions, and have requested for Dr Williams, the spiritual head of the 77-million worldwide Anglican Communion, to assign them another leader. |AD|

The Fort Worth diocese has objected to a further degree to the other, however, as it also objects to a woman being elected head of the Episcopal Church. Some Episcopalians still do not believe women should be ordained priests.

Bishop Stanton has now said that he plans to assemble a panel to consider his diocese's relationship with the denomination. He hopes that this would help “to listen to the concerns of my people.”

The Episcopal Church and its fellow Anglicans worldwide are struggling to prevent differences over the Bible and sexuality from escalating into a permanent break.

Dr Rowan Williams recently proposed a new “two-tiered covenant system” for the Communion. However, the proposals seem to have as many critics as it does supporters, although most have applauded Dr Williams for finally taking a more active stance in the dispute.