More churches break away from Anglican Church of Canada

Seven Anglican congregations in Canada voted this weekend to accept the episcopal oversight of Bishop Donald Harvey, Moderator of the Anglican Network in Canada, under the Primatial authority of Archbishop Gregory Venables and the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone. Most churches accepted this option with decisive majorities.

These congregations are requesting spiritual care from and will come under the authority of Bishop Harvey and Archbishop Venables, rather than their former Anglican Church in Canada diocese and bishop "who are walking away from established Christian teaching and globally recognized Anglican doctrine," the Anglican Network in Canada said in a statement on Monday.

Six churches voted to accept Bishop Harvey's spiritual care.

"All of these churches have acted because they are concerned about what is happening in the Anglican Church of Canada [ACoC]," the statement continued.

"They are determined to stay true to historic Christian teaching but see the ACoC changing its teaching on fundamental, historic Christian teaching, such as the authority of the Bible and salvation through Jesus Christ alone.

"While orthodox Anglicans are in a minority in Canada, they are in the majority worldwide. What is happening in Canada is part of a much bigger controversy in Anglican churches worldwide."

Since 2003, the leaders of the global Anglican Churches had repeatedly asked the ACoC to return to orthodox Anglican practice and teaching.

They also called upon the ACoC to provide appropriate spiritual care and oversight for parishes like these which remain faithful to orthodox Anglican teaching. The ACoC declined the request, however,

"In fact the actions of the ACoC have helped precipitate the global realignment which is now taking place in the Anglican Communion," the Anglican Network said.

"Archbishop Gregory Venables, Primate of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone, has responded to the need of biblically faithful Canadian Anglicans for spiritual protection and care on an emergency and interim basis - pending a resolution to the crises in the worldwide Anglican Communion."

Archbishop Venables is well respected among orthodox members of the global Anglican Communion. He leads the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone which is one of 38 Provinces that make up the global Anglican Communion. It encompasses much of South America and includes Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay and Argentina.