Morrisons Supports Salvation Army Emergency Teams in Flood-Hit Areas

Morrisons stores across England and Wales have stepped forward to offer support to The Salvation Army, who are helping families hit by the recent floods.

Throughout England and Wales, 320 Morrisons stores have for the past week initiated bucket collections at their checkouts to fundraise for The Salvation Army. During the recent floods, which have affected the south, the Midlands and large areas in the north of England, the Salvation Army emergency service teams - comprising hundreds of officers and volunteers - worked tirelessly to help affected communities through running mobile canteens and supplying comfort, food, bedding and clothing.

Mark Gunter, Group Store Operations Director at Morrisons said: "Being part of local communities, we understand, having had stores and staff affected in these areas. We therefore wanted to help. Collection points have now been set up at all of our checkouts. We are certain that through The Salvation Army the funds we raise will go a long way to helping individuals, families and neighbourhoods at this difficult time."

Major Muriel McClenahan, The Salvation Army's national Emergency Services Officer for the UK and Ireland said: "Our hearts go out to the people so severely affected by the flooding and we are thrilled that by working together with Morrisons stores The Salvation Army will be able to ease the hurt of so many families.

"The Salvation Army works closely with local councils and the emergency services and in the recent floods our personnel have been assisting at local authority rest centres, our own centres have been opened as temporary evacuation centres and we have been visiting people in their own homes. In addition, we have manned mobile canteens for the fire and police service personnel who have been working around the clock to help save power supplies and other essential services.

"As a church and charity organisation which operates in local communities, The Salvation Army will continue to work with people affected by the floods, even when the emergency situation is over," said Major McClenahan.

Morrisons in-store collections began on 30 July and run until 5 August at stores throughout England and Wales.

[Re-printed in Christian Today with the kind permission of The Salvation Army]