'Mortal Kombat X' characters: Four including Kitana, but no Jade


While the upcoming fighting title has a whole two months left to be officially released, there are going to be a string of rumors hovering around the latest installment of the Mortal Kombat franchise.

According to the title's production manager, Spiro Anagnostakos, the game will be exuding a large degree of realism. "The mantra for this game has always been realism; heading towards a more realistic look," he stated.

In addition to the realism that will be present in the game, the manager has also stated that one of the game's most iconic characters, Kitana, will feature a different but more realistic figure compared to the ones that gamers have witnessed in previous titles.

The production manager also made a revelation that the Mortal Kombat character Jade, who has appeared in several titles, will not be appearing in this one. According to Mortal Kombat's executive director, Shaun Himmerick (thanks to a tweet that the sent from his own personal account), the downloadable content will be as follows: "The Kombat pack is four full characters and five skin packs (15 skins) which includes some of my most favorite skins in the game."

The Kombat pack is equivalent to what game developers refer to as a Season Pass that is present in a majority of the games. However, similar to the Season Pass, the Kombat Pass will require gamers to spend some extra cash in order to show off their controlled character's new skins.

As for the plot of the game, it is said to feature a new, unique and non-linear storyline which will include the sagas of several characters that have been present since the beginning of the very first Mortal Kombat games. These characters include the likes of Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Reptile and many more. In addition, the game is said to include a 'Faction Mode', where players will be able to choose one out of five factions (which include Black Dragon, the Brotherhood of Shadow, the Lin Kuei, Special Forces, and White Lotus) and join a cross platform match with other players.

Mortal Kombat X will be released on April 14, 2015.