'Mortal Kombat X' tips and tricks guide: How to unlock and use Brutalities


One of the things that keeps the "Mortal Kombat" series etched in the minds of gamers is the very detailed, gory and, at the same time, exciting use of finishing moves in the game. From clawed-out faces, gouged eyes, and spinning heads, Fatalities and Brutalities often make it to every gamer's challenge fight. 

However, the finishing moves in the newest title "Mortal Kombat X" is not as easy as tapping a sequence of buttons. For example, a character's brutality list has a set of requirements that players need to complete in order to perform a mini-finishing move. There are over a hundred Brutality moves in the game, with five to six moves per character. 

When players first start in the "Mortal Kombat X" game, all Brutalities are locked, and players can either buy the move from the Krypt, or perform them first "accidentally" during a fight. In both cases, once the move has been owned, it will be made available in the character's move list, which can be seen on the Pause menu. 

There are a number of Brutalities that can be done via a sequence of button taps. However, there are also specialized Brutalities that have prerequisites that characters need to complete before they can be executed. For example, Cassie Cage's Between the Eyes Brutality move can only be done when the character has at least half of remaining health, the jump distance from the opponent is set, and the final hit must come from a single shot. Meanwhile, Raiden's Super Shocker Brutality requires the player to first do the Electrocute move and then quickly back punch thrice. 

Aside from character Brutalities, there are also secret Brutalities hidden in different Stages and can be done when a character interacts with objects. For example, in the Dead Woods stage, the player can throw branches which impails their opponents. A hidden stage Brutality can also be unlocked in the Krypt by purchasing the achievement, worth 20,000 Koins.