Most Britons want to see end to poverty in their lifetime

|PIC1|Almost three quarters (72 per cent) of British men and women want to see poverty ended in their life time, says a poll commissioned by international development agency Christian Aid.

In the poll of nearly 2,000 adults commissioned by Christian Aid, however, only three per cent said they believed the eradication of global poverty would be achieved in their lifetime.

More than half of those polled - 55 per cent - said they felt the present economic climate must not be allowed to hinder efforts to help the world's poor.

Twenty-one per cent said even greater priority should be given to fight against poverty in the current economic difficulties and almost half - 45 per cent- felt the British Government should be doing more to help, while around the same number - 46 per cent - say a political party’s policies on ending poverty would influence their vote

The release of the YouGov poll coincides with the launch of a new Christian Aid report, Poverty Over, which claims that present financial and other crises offer an unprecedented opportunity to wipe out global poverty.

The report makes a number of recommendations to achieving that goal, including taking urgent action to combat climate change and help poor countries adapt to its impact. It also calls for reforms towards effective taxation in developing countries and greater financial transparency.

"The world is in crisis," said Christian Aid director Dr Daleep Mukarji. "It isn’t just financial. Climate change, the food security crisis and worsening levels of inequality are also undermining quality of life for many millions of people.

"Historically, crises have prompted massive social change. The fear, chaos and upheaval that accompany them can have a galvanising effect. Change can bring with it the opportunity to shape what is to come, giving birth to hope and a sense of purpose. Now is the time for new thinking and new ideas."

The report warns that the structural causes of poverty must be addressed, including "human and institutional indifference to people without power" and in some cases "policies intended to impoverish".

"Poverty is political," said Mr Mukarji. "Rather than being merely an unhappy fact of life, it is the result of structures and systems created by humans, and of people being effectively excluded from decision-making. As such, the solutions must be political too."

He continued: "That poverty still exists in the world today is morally scandalous. It’s not that we don’t know how to treat or cure many diseases, enable the hungry to be fed, educate children or create jobs.

"It is simply that all too often we look the other way from what needs to be done. There is enough in the world today for everyone’s need, if greed and indifference don’t stand in the way."