Motorola Droid Turbo 2 release date in December? Specs and features to expect

Motorola's Droid TurboMotorola

An alleged image of the upcoming Motorola Bounce aka Motorola Droid Turbo 2 has leaked online. The image supports the rumors that the device will have a 5.43-inch shatter-proof quad HD display, a 21 MP rear camera and a 5 MP front camera.

The initial leak was posted via Twitter by user @upleaks and at the time of writing, neither Verizon nor Motorola has confirmed if the image is an accurate depiction of their upcoming device. 


According to a report from Tech Times, the image does seem to indicate that the Droid Turbo 2 will resemble Motorola's other main smartphone lineup, the Moto X Play. However, it is also reported that the former may have higher specs than the latter. 

The report states that while the tweet does not indicate what kind of processor the Droid Turbo 2 will have, it is likely that it will be powered by either a Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 or an 810. The tweet does, however, state that the phone will come with either 32 GB or 64 GB of space and 3 GB of RAM. 

While other Motorola phones do support expandable memory via microSD cards, the Droid Turbo did not and it appears that the Droid Turbo 2 will follow suit. 

One aspect of interest is that it is said to have a powerful 3760 mAh battery which is significantly stronger than its competition in the mid-range smartphone market. This amount of power, according to the Tech Times report, will guarantee up to 28 days runtime if it is left on stand-by, or 48 hours of continued use. 

Because the device is reportedly scheduled to be launched this December, it may already feature the new Android 6.0 Marshmallow (Android M) right out of the box. 

The Droid brand, which includes the Droid Turbo 2, is currently available only in the U.S. and only through network carrier Verizon.