Motorola Droid Turbo news: 5.1 Lollipop OS causing problems for the phone

Motorola Droid

The Motorola Droid Turbo 2015 has finally received its 5.1 Android Lollipop operating system (OS) update, but the upgrade thus far has proven to be problematic.

As of now, users who have downloaded the new update for their phones are reporting that it is draining their batteries at faster rates than before. Users have also begun to complain that the updated Motorola Droid Turbo noticeably lags more once the update has been installed, and owners attribute the poor performance to connectivity issues, according to Autoomobile.

Some Motorola Droid Turbo owners have even said that they are having difficulty even just downloading the new update for their phone.

Unfortunately for Motorola Droid Turbo owners, the latest problems plaguing the device are on par with the phone's troubled history when it comes to the Android OS.

Prior to the 5.1 Android Lollipop update being released, the 5.0 update was supposed to be made available earlier on, but the OS never did arrive for the phone. Instead, users had to bypass the 5.0 update completely and leap to the now seemingly problematic 5.1 Lollipop OS.

While the current iteration of the phone remains problematic, there is hope that the 2015 Motorola Droid Turbo can improve upon the failures of its predecessor.

The newest model will reportedly come with an 8-core Snapdragon 810 processor, Advanced Long-Term Evolution (LTE), a 5.2-inch QHD display, MiMo WiFi, and an Adreno chip, according to Venture Capital Post.

The 2015 Motorola Droid Turbo is also expected to be released soon, with the latest estimates putting it near the end of July, although Motorola has not yet confirmed that the device is on its way.

For those firmly in the camp suggesting that the 2015 Motorola Droid is on its way, they point to the 5.1 Lollipop update coming out for its predecessor as a sign that the latest model is indeed ready to make its debut.