Motorola may have issued some defective DROID Turbo 2 units

Motorola Droid Turbo 2[photo: Screen capture via]

The Motorola DROID Turbo 2 came out in the open just last October 2015 and everything seemed fine until recently.

Seen as a mobile phone carrying some impressive specs, some folks who got their hands on the said handset may have landed units with a certain defect.

The defect in mention is the alleged "Green Line" that appears in the middle of the phone's screen.

With the DROID Turbo 2 claiming it was shatterproof, it seems that it is not at all free from possible damage when dropped. At least that is one case reported over at the Motorola forums, with a Verizon representative telling the owner that the device is not "shock-proof."

But it seems that a few owners who allegedly never dropped their phones also experience seeing the mysterious green line on their DROID Turbo 2 devices. The irritating sight reportedly goes away (temporarily) when the phone screen is pressed or squeezed.

Motorola has yet to announce anything related to the issue. Being limited, it may be an honest issue of landing a defective unit. In this case, the problem could be in the highly touted shatter-proof display.

In all, it may be a hardware problem tied up with the screen. Motorola has taken the initiative to replace the said "defective units" though it would still be wise for the ones getting their units replaced to check the replacement unit immediately.

Further, the replacement unit should be closely monitored as well. The green line could return after some time and should that happen, there has to be an actual cause as to why such is unfortunately happening.

Not to be discounted as well is perhaps a software issue. To take out possible causes, Motorola may want to dig in and see why the green light is actually occurring by breaking down the defective returned units.