MRDF congratulates Cameroon social worker on Sheila McKechnie award

|PIC1|A former social worker who runs one of Cameroon's leading charities for the elderly has been awarded the Sheila McKechnie Foundation's International Award 2008 for campaigning.

Francis Njuakom Nchii received his award at Number 10 Downing Street last Tuesday from Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Patron of the Sheila McKechnie Foundation.

Nchii, 35, is the director of Community Development Volunteers for Technical Assistance (CDVTA), an organisation that has set up self-help groups in the form of clubs for the elderly and provides home care support for those who are too frail to attend.

CDVTA, which receives funding from the Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF), also provides training in gardening skills and offers income-generation schemes to the elderly. Many need to support themselves in their old age and many are caring for grandchildren. The organisation currently has over 7,000 members.

MRDF Director Kirsty Smith said: "Francis's award is well-deserved. Many elderly people who used to feel isolated are now leading active social lives and have regular incomes. We are delighted that MRDF has been able to play a part in transforming these rural communities."

Nchii, who is from Bamenda in Cameroon, has travelled internationally in his advocacy work for the elderly and hosted a visit to CDVTA from a United Nations delegation in October 2007. The Cameroonian Government has also signed a document recognising CDVTA's work on elderly rights.

As a Sheila McKechnie award winner, Francis will receive mentoring advice and practical skills to help him develop successful strategies that will improve the lives of the elderly in Cameroon on a wider scale.