Muslim and Christian activists in joint climate gig

|PIC1|Muslim rappers will join Christian and Jewish musicians on Tuesday at a London gig to highlight the need for action on climate change.

For God’s Sake: Faith Action on Climate Change will rock the Baroque of Nicholas Hawksmoor’s famous 18th century church, St George’s of Bloomsbury.

The gig stars hip hop and rap artists Kumasi, Jahaziel, Poetic Pilgrimage, Mohammed Yahya and Daniel Silberstein.

It is organised jointly by Radical Middle Way and Christian Aid in celebration of Christian Aid’s Countdown to Copenhagen campaign and aims to gain even more supporters to the Copenhagen campaign pledge calling on world leaders to strike a just climate deal at a key summit in December.

Abdul-Rehman Malik, Programmes Manager at Radical Middle Way, says: "For God's Sake is about people of faith saying that this issue is bigger than one faith – it unites all people. Our faith calls us to take action now. That’s why Radical Middle Way and other Muslims groups are supporting Christian Aid’s climate campaign.

"I urge Muslims to sign the pledge, which calls on all activists to lobby for the richest to repay their carbon debt, to do all they can to reduce their own carbon footprint and to encourage others to pledge their support."

The Copenhagen climate conference this December will see a new international climate deal agreed that will come into force when the first phase of the Kyoto treaty expires in 2012.

Christian Aid is calling for the rich industrialised countries to cut emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 and to pay a greater share of the cost of global cuts on top of the actions they are taking domestically.

It wants technology that can help cut emissions shared with poorer countries and wants rich countries to financially support poorer ones in adapting to climate change. But it also says developing countries have to play their part by bringing in emission-cutting programmes that can be measured, reported and verified.

On the web:
To sign the Christian Aid pledge, go to
Doors open For God’s Sake: Faith Action on Climate Change at 6.00pm for 6.30pm. Entry is free and open to all.