Muslim Extremists attack Christians in Ethiopia

The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has just been informed that 50 or more Christians in Henno, Ethiopia, were brutally attacked on 20 July by 7 Muslim leaders.

ICC said the latest attack was just one example of the increasing violence against Christians in Ethiopia and that Muslim leaders in the area were urging fellow Muslims to kill any full-time Christian evangelists.

The situation has reached such intensity that Christian leaders are in fear and moving in pairs to ward off attacks, said ICC, who also reported that local Muslim have authorities failed to take action against the Muslim attackers.

Henno is located in the district of Kokosa of the Oromia region, 404 kilometres South of Addis Ababa.

Tensions between Muslims and Christians in the region intensified after two prominent Muslims in Henno converted to Christianity in 2005 - "H," a well known Muslim leader, and "M," the son of a well-respected Muslim tribal leader.