My rock and refuge

|PIC1|Psalm 18:1 - 3 (TNIV)

I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my
deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the
horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of
praise, and I have been saved from my enemies.

September is a time of new beginnings for many, with those going back to school and others embarking on a healthy eating plan after the excess of summer holidays! Often we rush forward with new ventures, but it is wise and fitting to slow down in our Bible reading and take a meditative approach.

This is David's song in which he gives thanks for deliverance from his enemies, including the persecuting Saul. It appears al-most identically in the historical account of David's life in 2 Samuel 22 and comes just before his final words. It is called a royal psalm as it would have accompanied the liturgy used in the temple when a king was present. The overarching
theme is thanksgiving to God, the rock who saves.

David spent a lot of time on the run from Saul and, through this crucible of testing and hardship, his faith in and love for the living Lord grew firm and solid. As he recounts God's saving acts, he gives all the glory to God for helping him escape, keeping him hidden and giving him victory. He speaks of the Lord's holiness and might, his anger at injustice, his love and care for his children in trouble.

Some of the images will be foreign to us: what, for instance, is the horn of salvation? (A symbol of power and strength, animal horns were used for anointing with oil or carrying other liquids in battle.) Even transporting ourselves back to biblical times and geography can be a stretch as we try to visualize the rocks and crags David hid in or the stark desert sands. Employing our imaginations and delving into the text, however, is rewarding and enriching and helps us in our
worship of God. As we savour the images, we can ask God through his Holy Spirit to bring his word to life in our imaginations.

This psalm has five sections: an opening of praise, the story of how God saved David, verses on instruction in righteousness, a description of victory and a concluding praise to God. We won't skip any of the verses as we join David and his descendents to give thanks to the Lord - our refuge, redeemer, shield and deliverer. Praise be to God, our rock and saviour!

Lord, help me build my life on your foundation. Shield me this day from
those who would oppress me. Hide me in the shadows of your wings. I
love you!

Amy Boucher Pye is an American who has lived in the UK for over a
decade. She makes her home in north London with her husband and young
family and enjoys writing for Christian periodicals, including Quiet Spaces,
Woman Alive and Christian Marketplace.

From New Daylight, BRF, 2009