'Narnia' Movie Set to Open Evangelistic Opportunities

Action, adventure and spiritual truth are all part of a new film based on the first of C.S Lewis' renowned series of books - the Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe. Already, a coalition of Christian leaders in America - the Mission America Coalition is inviting evangelists to explore the oppotunities presented by the film, which is released across America and UK this December 9th.
Steve Douglass, president of Campus Crusade for Christ - member of the Mission America Coalition, says the movie offers unprecedented evangelistic oppotunities, because 'Lewis' work' presents well the good news of Jesus Christ, through which Christians will have a unique opportunity to share their faith.

"Narnia Sneek Peek" events are already being organised in up 150 cities in America to Church leaders interested in a collaborative outreach around the film.

Pastors, youth ministers/workers, children's ministers, denominational leaders, para-church ministry leaders, business leaders, and Christian educators are being invited to the “Narnia Sneak Peek” events. These 90-minute, fast-paced events will give leaders a "peek" at exclusive clips of the movie, share information about outreach/evangelism opportunities offered by the film, and distribute a number of free materials. (Details on available resources are at www.narniaresources.com.)
The Mission America Coalition has also scheduled a series of unique conference calls for the Narnia Movie Outreach. These nationwide Prayer Conference Calls will include Narnia Movie Outreach updates from around the nation with the majority of the call time spent in prayer.

Pat Allen, prayer coordinator for the Mission America Coalition, says, “With the release of the film based on the famous book by acclaimed author C. S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the Body of Christ in America is being offered another exceptional opportunity through the advent of film to reach out and bring the Gospel to many thousands of people.” She continues, “It behooves us, as people of prayer, to join together to seek God for this evangelistic tool to reach its full potential in bringing people to a salvation knowledge in Christ.”