Natalie Grant says 'only Jesus' responsible for letting her sing again one month after surgery

Natalie Grant hugs her vocal coach Diane Sheets during one of their successful therapy sessions.(PHOTO: Facebook/Natalie Grant)

Christian singer Natalie Grant was at risk of losing her voice after she underwent thyroid surgery last October. But by the grace of God, Grant found herself successfully performing an entire Christmas concert just a month after her health ordeal.

Grant shared the good news on Facebook. "Today during my vocal therapy I sang through my ENTIRE CHRISTMAS SHOW!!! Every song. Full out. And I felt strong and able at the end," she wrote. "Why? Because my GOD IS STRONG AND ABLE. Only Jesus. And shoutout to the amazing Diane Sheets for training me in the world-class way that only she can. Oh Jesus, we love you. You are so gracious and kind. This healing is for YOUR glory and YOUR fame."

The singer had thyroid surgery after an ultrasound revealed papillary thyroid cancer in two modules in the right lobe of her thyroid, according to the Gospel Herald. By removing the right side of the thyroid, the surgeon hope they have removed all traces of cancer.

Before having the surgery, Grant admitted that she was a little afraid of what would happen. But when she saw that her own daughter Sadie was worried for her sake, Grant decided to be brave and get rid of her "fluffy faith" by drawing strength from God.

"But my faith in God is bigger than my fear. That doesn't mean my fear goes away. It just means I'm not letting it be in charge of my mind. And I always remind myself who is in charge, anyway. GOD IS! In charge, in control, and He is holding us, shielding us, protecting us and fighting for us. Sometimes my fear tries to tell me what to do, but then I remember that Christ's power in me is bigger than any stupid fear," Grant said.