Natural Approaches to Infertility

At some point in our lives, many of us wish to have children. For some people, however, conceiving may be an unexpected challenge.


Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. In the United States, approximately 1 in 5 couples are affected by infertility. Approximately 35% of infertility cases are due to sperm disorders, 30% are due to fallopian tube (the canal that the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus) disorders, 25% are due to ovary and cervix (passage between the uterus and vagina) disorder and 10% of cases remain unknown.

How to test

After one year without successful conception, you should consult a licensed healthcare provider to undergo a detailed physical examination, a review of your medical history and, in many cases, to undergo a series of tests. The most common test in men is a semen analysis, where a sperm count is conducted under a microscope to ensure the man is producing enough normal sperm and the sperm have good motility. Women are usually required to track ovulation through daily measurements of basal body temperature—an increase of 0.5¢ªC (0.9¢ªF) suggests ovulation. Women may also undergo blood tests for hormone levels and pelvic ultrasounds to rule out any problems with the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.


According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), infertility is the result of weakness to the kidneys. Kidneys in TCM do not exactly represent the “kidneys?of western medicine. In TCM, the kidneys store essence [similar to Qi (pronounced Chi)] which governs birth, growth, reproduction and development. Treating kidney deficiency through acupuncture and other TCM techniques often helps with fertility problems.

In addition to acupuncture, there are a number of treatments and lifestyle changes for both men and women that may increase the ability to conceive.


Do not wear tight fitting clothing and underwear—lose the “tighty whities?as they increase the temperature of the testicle region.
Avoid heat in the testicle region, such as hot tubs and sauna, as increased temperature lowers sperm count.

Avoid exposure to toxins, radiation, PCBs, solvents, pesticides, heavy metals and pollution as they may lead to abnormally shaped sperm.
Check that your prescription drugs do not lower your sperm count.

-Avoid saturated fats.
-Avoid tobacco, marijuana and alcohol.
-Reduce your stress.
-Get regular sleep.
-Consume healthy foods. Complete your personalized -Truestar Nutrition Profile today to begin your healthy diet.
-Take a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oils.


Regulate your hormones. Hormonal imbalances, such as excess estrogen or progesterone deficiency, may lead to irregular ovulation, poor implantation (ability of fertilized eggs to attach to uterus) and poor maturation (frequent miscarriage). Visit the Truestar Women’s Health Plan for more information.

If you have an underlying female health condition, such as polycystic ovaries or endometriosis, treat the underlying cause of these diseases.
Avoid exposure to toxins, radiation, PCBs, solvents, pesticides, heavy metals and pollution.
Check that your prescription drugs do not affect ovulation and conception.

-Avoid coffee.
-Avoid saturated fats.
-Avoid tobacco, marijuana and alcohol.
-Reduce your stress.
-Get regular sleep.
-Take a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oils.
-Consume healthy foods. Complete your personalized Truestar Nutrition Profile today to begin your healthy diet.
-Attain a healthy weight for your height. Being excessively overweight or underweight may contribute to infertility. Visit the Truestar Weight Loss Plan if you are overweight.
-Studies have shown that taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement may increase female fertility. Vitamin E, iron, PABA and L-arginine may also improve fertilization rates in women.

Dr. Jean-Jacques Dugoua, ND

courtesy to:Christian Post(

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