Natural Leadership Retreat

Natural Leadership Retreat

Date: 9th - 10th December

Venue: Waverley Abbey House, Farnham, Surrey

Both Christian and non-Christian managers and professionals are welcomed to join the retreat. It enables people to develop their inner resources and discover their fuller leadership potential.

This retreat is for people in some kind of formal or informal leadership position, or who sense they have a leadership contribution to make in their organisation or wider life. This is all about developing the inner resources – clarity, courage, confidence and relational skills – as well as the practical commitment necessary to express their fuller leadership potential.

This programme is a ‘retreat’ and not a training course. It provides people with time, space, support and encouragement to access a deeper learning. Instead of providing new theories and skills, it helps leaders to reflect purposefully on what their lives so far have taught them about who they really are - their talents, their commitment and values. They are encouraged to apply these things to the present situation.

For online booking, please visit this website.

For further details, please email or call 0125 278 4774.