NBA 2015 rumors: DeAndre Jordan eyeing one-year deal after season


DeAndre Jordan may not necessarily be the first thing that comes into mind when you talk about upcoming free agents but you can bet that there will surely be teams looking to sign up the current Los Angeles Clipper center once he hits the free agent market.

With Jordan joining the likes of Marc Gasol, Jimmy Butler and Greg Monroe among others, his height and toughness inside is an asset that will surely lure in teams aching to fill up their hole in the middle.

But is Jordan inclined to leave the Clippers after this season? Not entirely.

Though he did not make any assurance, the important thing for Jordan is that he gets a fair one year deal. And apparently he stands to earn more in that scenario compared to signing a 5-year pact which will most likely be the package offered to him by his current team.

Having stayed with the Clippers for seven years now, there is no doubt that Los Angeles will be at the top of his list. However, that could all depend if the Clippers would be amenable to a one-year pact.

It may be a matter of loyalty and the Clippers' coaching staff to decide on whether Jordan's slot could be easily filled up by other younger and budding stars which would become available. Hence, it may all end up as a touch-and-go scenario to which Jordan could eventually latch on to other teams who may be willing to give in to his one-year contract scenario.

Jordan stressed that he will not be greedy apparently referring to the one year contract scenario. However if you add the money he stands to earn, it does translate to more money if he has his way.

Not being greedy as far as lump-sum salaries are concerned could be what he is pertaining to. So the question now is will the Clippers or any other team for that matter bite to what the 26-year-old vet from Texas A& M University is looking for?

Surely there will be. DeAndre Jordan has certainly earned that.