NBA 2015 rumors: Ray Allen not joining Lebron, Kyrie at Cleveland

Ray AllenReuters

For some, it is practically a dead issue when it comes to Ray Allen playing ball this season. With the current season nearing the homestretch, the chances of Allen suiting up perhaps one more time are growing slimmer.

But if ever that small flicker of hope somehow sparks, you can count out one team in the field of potential destinations – the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Apparently the Cavs now have a full roster ever since they got hold of J.R. Smith and Imam Shumpert from the Knicks. Moreover, both Smith and Shumpert play the same position that Allen's, dousing hopes of a reunion between Lebron James and Ray Allen.

With the playoffs just around the corner, many teams are still waiting in the wings to see if Allen will decide to play. Some have given up and filled up their roster while there are a few (mostly teams bound for the playoffs) who are still keeping their fingers crossed.

At a prime age of 39, Allen kept himself out of the NBA scenario this season. He last played for the Miami Heat but technically vanish when the team found itself in shambles after bowing to the eventual champion, the San Antonio Spurs.

Curiously, the Spurs are among the teams inquiring about Allen too. Such should not be surprising that the Spurs had done it before on Tracy McGrady back in 2013.

Apparently the reason behind that was to give McGrady a chance to win an NBA ring. He was barely used back then.

But the case of Allen is different. Allen has multiple NBA rings and if ever he would be signed up, it would be because of his streaky outside threat which could free up the middle. Hence, the Spurs could benefit from that, particularly an equally aging veteran in Tim Duncan.

For now, it seems Allen is technically 'in retirement'. That is unless he talks soon about what his next step would be; to play or not.