NBA 2015 rumors: Ricky Rubio unfazed by trade rumors

Ricky RubioReuters

Ricky Rubio has been the subject of trade rumors then and now, but it seems that such hasn't fazed the Spanish basketball star.

Currently in Dubai to lend a helping hand to the BasicBall Academy summer camps, Rubio shot down ongoing rumors that he would be soon packing his bags en route to New York.

Apparently two teams from the Big Apple are reportedly interested in Rubio, someone who has been hampered by injuries, which has stopped him dead on his tracks as far as his rise to stardom is concerned.

Rubio is apparently a star caliber player who, if healthy, can dazzle. And such seems to be one of the reasons why the New York Knicks and the Brooklyn Nets want him on their end since the Spanish guard can surely spice up the backcourts of both squads.

But from the way Rubio spoke, it seems that he is comfortable staying put with Minnesota Timberwolves, a team now composed of young and future NBA stars such as sophomore Andrew Wiggins and rookie Karl-Anthony Towns.

With two promising big men by his side, one can only imagine why Rubio is equally important to the Timberwolves. To get the best out of Wiggins and Towns, the secret behind it could be at the hands of a reliable guard.

Rubio has proven he can make big men look good. Looking back at the Spanish national team of 2014, he blended well with the Gasol brothers (Pau and Marc), which gives an idea what this 24-year-old Spanish guard can do.

The same is expected as he pairs up with the young turks of the Timberwolves, a dark horse for the coming NBA season who could pull off a couple of surprises.

On a separate note, whom would the Timberwolves get in return if Rubio ends up getting traded? Surely, Minnesota won't settle for draft picks or money, considering they have a pretty promising team for the 2015–16 NBA season.