NBA 2015 rumors: Ty Lawson leaving Nuggets for Dallas Mavericks?

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The Denver Nuggets have yet to name their new head coach but it seems that they may be losing yet another key personnel in Tywon Ronell "Ty" Lawson. Lawson practically played his whole career with the Denver Nuggets who acquired him via trade after being drafted by the Minnesota Timberwolves back in 2009.

Word has it that Lawson is unhappy over in Denver and from the looks of it, the double-double machine could very well be looking for a new ballclub. At the top of the list is said to be the Dallas Mavericks though this remains to be seen.

Lawson is no angel and has had his share of conflicts with former head coach Brian Shaw. Shaw is of course gone after being fired and the team made do with interim coach Melvin Hunt. The main problem is apparently how Lawson fits.

During Shaw's time, the Nuggets were supposed to follow a half court system. Apparently it became a hindrance to Lawson who struggled with the said system.

Just the same, it doesn't seem to have remedied the situation. Not even a new head coach could repair his relationship in Denver right now, hence pointing to an evident divorce for the seemingly untouchable star point guard. So is he headed to Dallas?

The Mavericks are surprising the team that is mentioned which could likely make use of Lawson. However as far as playing time is concerned, he could see his numbers diminish. Dallas has a lot of point guards in their rotation and even with Rondo out, life could be miserable for the former North Carolina cager.

Also, there is the question on how he can blend in with coach Rick Carlisle. Like Shaw, Carlisle has a certain system that must be followed. Lawson could find himself trying to adjust once more and should he try a tactic similar to how Rondo did it last season, questions arise on whether he would be a good addition or another bad egg.

Then again, Lawson could stay on with the Nuggets though it may depend on who their next head coach would be. The Nuggets were originally eyeing Billy Donovan but the Gators coach decided to join the Oklahoma City Thunder instead.