NBA trade news 2015: Rajon Rondo settling down in Sacramento Kings

Rajon RondoReuters

For the ones who counted out Rajon Rondo, well the National Basketball Association (NBA) veteran has rebounded with a bang this season and such can be seen with his stint with the Sacramento Kings.

Almost left for naught, largely because of the issues he had with head coach Rick Carlisle, Rondo defied the belief that he was not a coachable player and is now strutting his old stuff (if not better) which many may have last seen when he was a Boston Celtic.

It will be recalled that Rondo was a bust with the Dallas Mavericks, highlighted by that celebrated disagreement he had with Carlisle. Such made skeptics wonder if Rondo was becoming a head case and many wanted to see how his relationship with George Karl would pan out.

And the apparent answer is pretty good.

Rondo has recalled his form a bit but it is his passing this season (league-leading 10.7 assists) that has captured the fancy of his teammates and NBA fans.

Rondo has never been known be a score-first guy but for his playmaking abilities instead. The Kings are benefiting from such since he is getting everyone involved and making his teammates look pretty good.

He knows for a fact that many doubted him and it was only the Kings who took a chance on the veteran guard. Although his deal was only for one year, his performance as of late could land him a fat and secure contract next season at the rate he is going.

Forgettable as it may have been, Rondo technically bares that his stint with the Mavs was a wake-up call.

"It just didn't work. No excuses. No pointing the finger at anybody. It made me stronger, made me appreciate just playing the game, especially playing at a high level. I never doubted myself. It just didn't work," says Rondo via ESPN.