NBA trade rumors: Jeremy Lin may decide to stay with Charlotte Hornets


Jeremy Lin will become a free agent this coming July after he declined the $2.2 million contract offer from his current team, the Charlotte Hornets. According to a report from Yibada, it is most likely he will sign with the Hornets if they offer a better deal based on his most recent statements to the public.

"To me, the most important thing as a free agent is that I am happy when I play basketball or show up for work. I was happy last year, but I was not particularly happy for the first five years as an NBA player," explained Lin at a press conference in Taipei, reports the Taipei Times.

Yibada points out that his statements confirm that he has had the most enjoyable experience during his stint with the Charlotte Hornets. Lin further explained that to achieve his goal of being happy he would consider the team's coach, the team's playing style, the players on that team and their general chances of winning in the NBA finals.

So far, Lin's statements appear to confirm that he fulfilled all these requirements while playing for the Hornets but this may all change when the team trades players and changes their direction. It may be for this reason that Lin did not immediately sign with the Hornets and may be waiting to see what else they have to offer him for the next season.

His statements also confirm that he may not be signing back to the Houston Rockets given that he was not happy with the team, even though the famed "Linsanity" took place during his period with the Rockets.

According to Sports Rageous, despite his high possibility of signing again with the Hornets and his willingness to give them a discount, he may not be their main priority and may not give him a second offer. This may push Lin to sign on with the Brooklyn Nets where coach Kenny Atkinson may put him as the team's starting point guard.