NBA trade rumors: Kevin Durant passing on move to Houston Rockets?

Kevin DurantReuters

Fans have speculated that Oklahoma City Thunder star Kevin Durant may be moving to the Houston Rockets now that he will become a free agent this July. However, according to a report from ESPN, this is unlikely to happen despite the fact Durant was recently seen hanging out with Rockets player James Harden.

The two players were recently spotted together at a restaurant and this further fueled the rumors that the Rockets may hire in Durant. The Rockets reportedly have shown interest in the player and there is the fact that Durant and Harden are good friends and former teammates, making an optimal duo that the Rockets could take advantage of.

However, the report states that this may have simply been a regular hang-out between the two friends and that Harden's position in the Rockets will not have an impact on Durant's decisions come free agency season. There are other teams hoping to recruit Durant, including the New York Knicks. 

It is explained that despite these multiple options, Durant is most likely going to sign a new contract with the Oklahoma City Thunder. The team will need to pay out the maximum amount for a two-year deal to entice Durant to stay but it has been noted that Durant already intends on staying.

According to a report from MNR Daily, it is still possible that Durant will be pursuaded to ignore a better deal from the Thunder and eventually sign with a different team. Durant reportedly has a lot of friends from different teams and any of them may convince Durant to look beyond what the Thunder offer him.

Durant and the Thunder have yet to make an official statement and it is possible that the player will come out with an announcement once free agency begins on July 1, after taking some time to speak with the other team managers, such as the Rockets, and see what they have to give.