NBA trade rumors: Wizards may reunite DeMarcus Cousins and John Wall

DeMarcus Cousins at the 2013 USA Blue vs. White gameWikimedia Commons/Daniel Hughes

New Orleans Pelicans' star center DeMarcus Cousins is in his last year of his contract, which he signed with the Sacramento Kings. If the Pelicans decide not to extend his contract given the team's performance now, Washington Wizards may look to reunite close friends John Wall and Cousins.

Both Wall and Cousins came from and played for the University of Kentucky Wildcats before getting into their respective NBA teams. They have had some plans to play on the same team again for at least a season, and that plan may just come to fruition given the right circumstances. As of now, the Pelicans are not doing well on the court even after having acquired Cousins recently.

According to Blasting News, the Wizards can quite easily lure in Cousins, especially since they have Wall. They could look to trade Otto Porter Jr., who is posting up good numbers, but if they want an even better chance at the playoffs, Cousins would be the best choice. What did not work with the Pelicans could actually work for the Wizards.

Fans of the Pelicans had high expectations for the duo that was Anthony Davis and Cousins. So far, however, it has only been Cousins getting high stats for each game. Although Davis was able to perform in the same manner last season, having the two together has not turned out to be the amazing combination they thought it would be.

If the Pelicans will not make the move, Cousins might ask for a trade himself. Apparently, there have been some issues that the front office needs to resolve as well, and these appear to be affecting the team. If there is anyone who definitely does not like being a part of such drama, it would be Cousins himself having come from the Kings.

As of now, neither the Pelicans nor Cousins has said anything regarding the issue. Fans will simply have to see if the Pelicans can fix their gameplay in their next games.