'NCIS: New Orleans' season 4 spoilers: Special agent Paula Boyd to keep team on tight leash

A promotional poster for the premiere of "NCIS: New Orleans" by CBS, featuring Scott Bakula.Facebook/NCISNewOrleans

The premiere of "NCIS: New Orleans" is coming very soon, and there are numerous speculations as to where the story might go for the upcoming season 4. Fans are concerned as to what may happen to Dwayne Pride (Scott Bakula) after he fought against the New Orleans Mayor, Douglas Hamilton (Steven Weber).

According to Cartermatt, they have already received the synopsis of the season 4 premiere. After the events of season 3, it is very clear that Pride has lost the respect of his team, and is going to be on probation. The first episode titled "Rogue Nation" will revolve around the whole team's decision to keep a tighter leash on Agent Pride – and the way they decided to do that is by inviting Special Agent Paula Boyd (Becky Ann Baker) to join the team.

Special Agent Boyd will be taking over as leader of the NCIS team, and she will have her own personality and specialties as a field veteran. It goes without saying that after what happened in season 3, she will become very cautious and wary of Pride and will be watching his actions very closely. As much as she could be a good character and a potential addition to the team, fans will probably be rooting for Pride to return to his original post.

It can be expected that Pride's probation status will prevent him from being as involved in the task force as much as he wants, which will only fuel him to find ways to get back in the game. With a title such as "Rogue Nation" as a dead giveaway, it can only be surmised that he will do something crazy or drastic to shorten his probation, or to get rid of it entirely. However, the title could only be alluding to Pride's actions to go rogue in order to take down Mayor Hamilton.

According to Parade, the first case in the premiere will have something to do with stolen nuclear waste that could potentially harm a lot of people if given to the wrong hands. With the NCIS team in close surveillance by Special Agent Boyd, they will have to find a way to solve the case from a safe distance.

"NCIS: New Orleans" will premiere on Sept. 26 at 10 p.m. EDT on CBS.