'NCIS' season 13 cast: Show to add 'quick-witted, sarcastic, shrewd' 3-time divorcee to ensemble


While "NCIS" season 13 is bound to say goodbye to fan-favorite character Agent DiNozzo played by Michael Weatherly, the ensemble is only going to get bigger with two new characters making an entrance by the end of the season.

The first character is named Tess, a "quick-witted, sarcastic [and] shrewd" FBI Special Agent from the Counter-Terrorism Unit in New York City. According to TV Line, this newcomer is "two parts bulldog, one part sweet kitten."

Tess sounds like she can be both ruthless and warm, making her a great addition to "NCIS" season 13. In fact, she is the "mamma bear" of the office, ready to shower some motherly love and be a friend to those in need of one.

One thing people will have to keep away from is pissing her off because she will not back down, not considering if the person on the receiving end of her wrath is a superior or lower in position.

Another interesting titbit about the new "NCIS" season 13 character is that she was divorced not once, not twice but three times. This is because her former husbands "can't keep up with her." She had no kids in any of these marriages too.

Meanwhile, Weatherly's send-off will take place in the season finale and rumor has it that it will be done with the help of Scottie Thompson reprising her role as Jeanne Benoit.

Weatherly's exit worried fans about the fate of the show and its cast. But fans of Timothy McGee, one of the few remaining original characters of "NCIS," won't have to worry about him leaving because his essayer Sean Murray has vowed that he will be sticking around.

"What has kept it interesting for me is that there has been a progression in all the characters on the show over the years, and McGee more than anyone," the actor told News.com.au.

He added that McGee "was unlike any character I had ever played before" but one he already knew very well at the outset. He believes that from the start, the actors took a "responsibility" in the show and that they are "very involved in" the characters.

"NCIS" season 13 returns on Feb. 9 with an episode called "Decompressed."