'Necrobarista' news: Indie Australian game lets players serve coffee to ghosts

Promotional photo for "Necrobarista"Route 59

Apparently, paranormal beings need their lattes as well, as the developers of "Necrobarista," a visual novel about a coffee shop owner and her friends, reveal that ghosts will be served coffee in the upcoming game.

Australian indie game developer Route 59 has been working hard on a the game, though their initial planned release date of October had to be delayed to late 2018. What makes the game different from other visual novel-type games is that it employs 3D backdrops instead of 2D ones. As such, everything in the entire game is 3D even if the developers could have opted not to use it, as it adds more to the amount of effort needed for the "Necrobarista."

This aspect gives "Necrobarista" a unique feel in a sea of visual novels, as players are allowed to explore the 3D scenes and environments in between the story, whereas static 2D environments do not leave much room for distractions. The graphics are also cell-shaded, giving it a charm and atmosphere not unlike anime or cartoon.

The game, true to its namesake, is about a coffee shop where the customers are either living or dead. The catch is that players will find it difficult to know which is which since it is rude to ask them about their state of life or death. Despite that limitation, it will not stop the coffee shop from being a place where both the living and the dead can enjoy the company of one another.

It is not yet clear how the story or the plot will unfold, but it may have something to do with a paranormal mystery and may play on the dynamics of the three main characters who are running the coffee shop. Other elements of the game include being able to choose progression and conversation replies. Sadly, players expecting full interactivity similar to roleplaying games (RPGs) will be disappointed as the game is, first and foremost, a novel, with a set linear narrative path.

"Necrobarista" has been delayed into late 2018 and has no exact release date yet but will be available for the Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh operating systems.